Reviews of Mohammed's Koran

From around the world, some of the hundreds of 5 star reviews Mohammed's Koran received in the first few months following publication.  Each review comes from someone who bought the book.  If you are skeptical of any review, a URL is provided at the end of each review, so you can verify each review.


You just have to read this absolutely enlightening. What a wake up call.

A fantastic and informative read...

A fantastic and informative read. The introduction alone is worth the money. Now I have read Yusaf Ali's translation of the Koran before but not Pickthalls.Like others if you have attempted to read the Koran previously, you will know that it is a quite cumbersome and tiresome read which doesn't have a true context. Stories don't begin, they don't end,. It is not even in chronological order. It is difficult if not impossible for someone to pick up the Koran, start reading it and understand what it means. Furthermore, there are hundreds of passages which command believers to fight against unbelievers. It is impossible to miss them. Tommy's book makes sense of this vile evil book. Reading it in chronological order certainly means it is a less tedious read. I would recommend everybody to read this great book. It is both informative and very very scary! Bravo Tommy Robinson who is most probably the bravest man alive in England at the moment. Oh and that's coming from an Irishman.

The Koran Unveiled...

This is a must read for anyone wanting to make sense of what is happening in today's world. It exposes the deception from our leaders who have brainwashed the public into thinking that Islam is a religion of peace. it explains how this deception has been facilitated by how the Koran has been structured (in chapter size order rather than chronological order) over recent years... enables the reader to understand the Koran's true messages by unveiling what the Koran tells us about Mohamed's life, who he was and what he did and explaining the concept of abrogation. Brilliant.

Well presented, a book that was not thrown together...

It gives readers the insight to what muslims believe. The book is spot on. I have seen this in most of the Muslim countries I have been to. Being an Arabic speaker also, I have experienced Muslim culture and way of life first hand. It will explain a lot to the large amount of people who have not experienced any type of Arab/ Muslim culture.

A must buy...

Excellent book. A must read for anyone wanting to start learning about Islam.