Reviews of Mohammed's Koran

From around the world, some of the hundreds of 5 star reviews Mohammed's Koran received in the first few months following publication.  Each review comes from someone who bought the book.  If you are skeptical of any review, a URL is provided at the end of each review, so you can verify each review.

Might be the best "Red Pill Briefing" yet...

This book lays out the Koran chronologically - "from newest to oldest passages" - having this format is crucial if you want to understand the way the system of Islam works because in Islam the later and more violent passages abrogate or cancel out the earlier and less violent passages. Islam is not like Western Christianity where the rules of logic, universal ethical truths like the Golden Rule and reason operate in harmony with the system itself. In Islam there is a huge amount of contradiction. So when the system was being developed the concept of abrogation was introduced in order to justify contradictions. Abrogation means that if the contradiction happens you just accept whatever happened later and that becomes the "new truth". In the West this kind of thought process doesn't seem rational and that is why a book like this is needed. To critique and understand Islam this book is a valuable resource because it's not a matter of a person cherry picking quotes from the Koran to defend or refute Islam - you also need to know how those quotes are chronologically ordered and their actual relevance as the Koran was revealed to Mohammad. This books provides that "golden key." The other main premise of the book is to provide, in detail, using "references galore", that before 9/11 the West never once described or thought of Islam as a religion of peace. NO WHERE in our history, in Europe or the United States, was Islam ever thought of or described as a peaceful religion or a peaceful system. And ironically it was only after the United States was attacked on 9/11, and in the years since, where Islamic terrorism has become an almost daily occurrence, that Western leaders have overturned over 1000 years of scholarship, experience and knowledge and have become apologists for Islam. The book details the utter moral bankruptcy of our leaders in defending and promoting "the grand lie" that "Islam is religion of peace" - post 9/11 - which includes but is not limited to George Bush, Tony Blair, Obama and Angela Merkel. I "highly highly highly highly highly" recommend this book.

I invite you to read this book for yourselves, and learn the truth...

This is the Koran in its entirety. And if you are unfamiliar with the "teachings" of Mohammed, this will be an education and eye opener. It is not a peaceful religion, sorry Muslims. I am not a hateful person, at all, but Mohammed sure seemed to be. You think I am being intolerant or anti Islam? I invite you to read this book for yourselves, and learn the truth. Definitely not similar in any way to the Word of Christ, which promotes love. That I can tell you.

Absolutely Eye-Opening Read: An Antidote to the PC Public School Textbook...

Invaluable reading. I now have a resource that strongly supports my refusal to use passages from the Koran for "multicultural literature" in my classroom. I have shared passages with my history counterparts, and they have now purchased copies for research purposes. We are pretty damn sick and tired of these "politically correct" textbooks being shoved down our throats here in the Bible Belt.

Being raised as a Muslim I know that this books tell the truth and is based on evidence from the Koran...

I always wanted to tell this to both Muslims and non-Muslims but knew that I would be killed for writing a book like this. I hope that for the sake of future peace and safety, people will take this book seriously and leaders would act to do something about the persistent brainwashing of children into this death cult which has caused so many deaths for the past 1400 years and is still causing deaths which people keep ignoring. For how long?