Breaking down the Koran for people who haven't got the time to read the original...
Fantastically detailed book exposing why Islam presents the problem it still does today. (And still will for many years to come)... There is a serious problem which western civilization is facing, a lot seem to be sleep walking into the abyss, thinking they are being "progressive" unaware of the evil culture they are embracing is completely the opposite to progression, in terms of basic human rights, equality, and science. This violent Islamist terrorist problem the world still has shouldn't even exist in the 21st century. It insults our species by it's very existence. And it's hateful ideology cannot be allowed to continue to grow. unfortunately the hate stems from the Koran itself. Tommy's new book explains how in a clever but easy to understand technique. It's obvious to anyone (who has the capacity to think independently) that the point of religion has always been an obvious method to control the masses, Islam is the most violent religion today, and it's the fastest growing religion too. By reading fantastic books like this you can get a grasp of WHY it's violent. And how it has been allowed to continue. Hopefully this book will do a good job of breaking down the Koran for people who haven't got the time to read the originals. ( as a side note I have read and studied the originals extensively, and can conclude many if not all points made in Tommy's book are true.) Also I highly recommend people research Hinduism, Sikhism, and how they have integrated & assimilated into western society with peace & ease.. When you do, A key word will arise time and time again. RESPECT. The majority of Islamists will never be compatible with western society because they don't have the same values. It's that simple unfortunately. Great work Tommy. I hope more people wake up to this problem instead of being called "Racist" or whatever pathetic unfounded words sheep can find these days.
Breaking down the Koran for people who haven't got the time to read the original...
Fantastically detailed book exposing why Islam presents the problem it still does today. (And still will for many years to come)... There is a serious problem which western civilization is facing, a lot seem to be sleep walking into the abyss, thinking they are being "progressive" unaware of the evil culture they are embracing is completely the opposite to progression, in terms of basic human rights, equality, and science. This violent Islamist terrorist problem the world still has shouldn't even exist in the 21st century. It insults our species by it's very existence. And it's hateful ideology cannot be allowed to continue to grow. unfortunately the hate stems from the Koran itself. Tommy's new book explains how in a clever but easy to understand technique. It's obvious to anyone (who has the capacity to think independently) that the point of religion has always been an obvious method to control the masses, Islam is the most violent religion today, and it's the fastest growing religion too. By reading fantastic books like this you can get a grasp of WHY it's violent. And how it has been allowed to continue. Hopefully this book will do a good job of breaking down the Koran for people who haven't got the time to read the originals. ( as a side note I have read and studied the originals extensively, and can conclude many if not all points made in Tommy's book are true.) Also I highly recommend people research Hinduism, Sikhism, and how they have integrated & assimilated into western society with peace & ease.. When you do, A key word will arise time and time again. RESPECT. The majority of Islamists will never be compatible with western society because they don't have the same values. It's that simple unfortunately. Great work Tommy. I hope more people wake up to this problem instead of being called "Racist" or whatever pathetic unfounded words sheep can find these days.