Informative and disturbing. Islam, and the deceit of Western society.

I read a koran several years ago (to gain more insight into what motivates radicals) as well as other texts on the subject of islam. I quickly learned that simply following the basic koran is more than enough to make anyone a "radical". I purchased this book to see what approach/angle was being used here and found it quite interesting. The first 100 pages (the "introduction" so to speak) has enough information and observations to make any reasonable person ask why professional politicians, the mainstream media, and academia are - with malice of forethought - withholding the truth about islam, and it's goals, from the general public. While no theories are offered by the authors, the historical and academic background provided is more than enough to make any reasonable person ask "What's going on?". For those who have already read a koran, the first 100 pages are worth the price of this book as it puts various precepts in the koran into easily-comprehended points for later dissemination and discussion. For anyone who hasn't read a koran, you're getting a great deal of useful information. Don't take my word for it. Just read it.