It's precisely this type of critique... that is needed...
Excellent. Concise, clear, and accurate. It's precisely this type of critique of the so-called "religion of peace" (more like religion of pieces - bits and pieces of "unbelievers") that is needed, and that the Federal Liberals would see banned under their odious M-103. There isn't a hateful word to be found from the authors (Robinson and McLoughlin) in it . . . although plenty of hateful words to be found in the parts written by Mo.
It's precisely this type of critique... that is needed...
Excellent. Concise, clear, and accurate. It's precisely this type of critique of the so-called "religion of peace" (more like religion of pieces - bits and pieces of "unbelievers") that is needed, and that the Federal Liberals would see banned under their odious M-103. There isn't a hateful word to be found from the authors (Robinson and McLoughlin) in it . . . although plenty of hateful words to be found in the parts written by Mo.