This is an excellent well written book which is very easy to read and understand. Everybody should read it.
This is a vital read in regard to the times we are living in. I have other copies of the Koran but this makes the content clear, the context provided in the preamble to the actual text is important and outlines many points that are being ignored by the government and media.
...really taught me things l never understood.
If religion is the opium of the people. then Islam is the Crystal Meth! As a Watford born and bred man it's tough to admit anything good comes out of Luton. Especially as someone who was chased around Luton by Luton football fans after the 1972 TV Its a knockout. However Tommy has delivered with this book. A must read for anyone who cares about England and what is being done in the name of Islam.
Needless to say, two patriotic and frank speaking Men have put together a Book which is great for decoding and understanding Islam (whether a 'beginner' or someone who already thinks they know all there is to know bout Islam!) The behaviour of the people who are opposing and trying to ban this book speaks volumes about what is contained within it; the Truth! In today's society, where Muslims are being ever more, deliberately deceitful and dishonest when conveying their belief system to western civilisation, and when questioned or criticised all too often leaning on common accusations such as 'Bigot' & 'Racist' or responses such as "that's been used out of context", 'Mohammed's Koran' cuts through those excuses and gives the reader a clear and concise view into the Ideology causing increasing controversy however when criticized or questioned those questions are being met with silence or dishonesty and criticisms are often, as with the Co-Author himself - Tommy Robinson, met with persecution. This book will open your eyes to anything from the Koran itself in chronological order to the events that have led up to the Establishment & the Mainstream Media becoming Islam's No.1 Allies. The Media call it a "War on Terror", when really it is the inevitable confrontation with true Islam. After reading this book there is no denying that the 'Slaves of Allah' have one end-goal and whether the Western Leaders want to face it or not, Islam; religiously and culturally is bringing problems that needs facing - Head on. With the rate at which the Islamic Agenda is being thrust upon us all, I'd go so far as to say it is everybody's business to educate themselves on the real Islam and what better way to do that than to read this Book.
Another in a list of brave writers who, despite being faced with regular death-threats by followers of 'the religion of peace' has published a detailed and well referenced book that shows the koran for what it really is; a hate-filled death-cult that ensnares from birth with ridiculous and outrageous horrors, eulogising the pervert that was Mohamed, whilst providing the death penalty or jisya tax for anyone kufar (not muslim), the death penalty for anyone who leaves the Islamic faith or the destruction of the entire race of jews. The book lays out in proper chronological order the verses of the koran as tought by muslim scholars to their trainee imams, and correctly abrogates the earlier (cancelled) more peaceable verses. Basically, the koran started out quite reasonable, but later in mo's life he turned into a vicious, terrorising, lying and oppressive pedophile and mass murderer who hated jews, Christians, non-muslims and anyone else who disagreed with him. The bloke was basically a megalomaniac, pervert monster who should have been killed at birth. It's nuts how over a billion people fall for this vomit-inducing nonsense.
Great job with putting this in chronological order for it to make sense to westerners so that we can fully appreciate just how we are viewed, lied to and killed by muslims. This is possibly one of the most important books to be written about Islam in recent times. There is no bias from the author as each and every reference is catalogued for the reader to go and research for themselves. This just lays the facts out like cards on a table so that you can fully understand what is happening, why its happening and what is coming unless people wise up. In the way that George Orwell's 1984 was mandatory reading in schools for the curriculum so too should this be. No more platitudes, no more Islam is peace, it isn't and if you have children then you really really need to take this seriously
Highlights what is wrong with Islam and why some muslims become extremists. Whether you like Tommy Robinson or not this is a must read.
We are facing an existential threat and our leaders are not just asleep at the wheel, they are complicit in the islamification of currently free liberal first world democracies, there is not time to waste, we must wake up or we will get what every other country has got after Islamic conquest. Read this book unless you want to live in 7th century Arabia. This is probably the most important book I have ever read because it exposes the biggest lie ever told in the history of humanity, that Islam is a religion of peace.
All my preconceived ideas about him were wrong. I'm glad he spoke out. This book really tells us what's going on, and it isn't pretty! Thank You Tommy for your bravery in speaking out about this.
This Book has opened my eyes. At the start of 2016 I think I was living in the Matrix.
Puts the whole truth in chronological order, something others have spent years trying to hide!!
This is a must read book to expose the evils of islam and the lies our media and politicians are telling us when they say 'islam is a religion of peace'. It is not. It is a religion of war, slavery and removal of all human rights.
Very easy to understand.
that can be quite heavy going due to the fact that it’s a translation of scriptures dating back over 1,400 years. A very sobering and depressing read but I urge everyone to read it. Educate yourselves because knowledge is power! I would like to say more but it seems that I’m not allowed. 5 stars no problem but buy it before it gets banned!
I was captivated at first, then frightened, then sickened because we'd let these lunatics into our country that believe this craziness. Five star for Tommy and Peter
So glad I bought this book, my eyes have been opened even more on the subject........please everyone needs to read this and Tommy's other best seller, nothing will change unless everyone understands! Thank you Tommy
A must read if you are really interested in why we are having the problems we are today with Islam