Reviews of Mohammed's Koran

From around the world, some of the hundreds of 5 star reviews Mohammed's Koran received in the first few months following publication.  Each review comes from someone who bought the book.  If you are skeptical of any review, a URL is provided at the end of each review, so you can verify each review.

Want the truth? Can you handle it? not believe MSM just buy this instead it will become clear why we have the current onslaught of violence on the British and European population. What I do not understand: why the cover-up? By our so-called leaders and media more like collaborators, history will not be kind to them.

Highly recommended...

Fascinated by the change in portrayal discussed in introduction, where the image of Islam as a 'Religion of War', is duplicitously reimaged as the Religion of Peace. I had already noticed this, as I have a large collection of books on Islam from before 1995, including a large amount of old teaching books from 60s onwards. Our Western culture simply cannot attribute its own values to all other ideologies, this is our greatest mistake. To Islam, the West is the Dajjal and it must be defeated for Peace(Islam) to reign! The current situation we find our selves in is scary, people need to get their heads out of the sand and quickly. Having travelled in many Muslim and Muslim majority countries, it is absolutely not a future I would wish on my grandchildren or anyone else's. Read this book.

A must read...

This book then puts Pickthall's translated chapters into reverse chronological order meaning you read the most recent chapters of the Koran first. At first this does seem an odd way to cover the subject matter but it doesn't take long for the reader to understand why. After making my way through the first 50 pages of the translation i'd say the problems that lie ahead for us all become pretty obvious. This book is a must read for anyone wishing to better understand the structure, politics and belief system that underpins Islam.

Truth we all need to hear...

Amazing book, good work Tommy keep it up, wish more people would open up like you it's what we all think but to scared to do anything or say it's wrong because of the back lash.

True insight...

I've cross-checked passages with other Korans, and have found that the message is carried on, sometimes watered down, some even more murderous. Taqiyya is strong in the minds so-called scholars and at any chance they have they will use reworded passages, that intend to code or cover-up the actual meaning the Koran is attempting to transmit so any judgement from outsider looking in isn't as shocking, most Moslems cannot argue, and history speaks for itself.