Reviews of Mohammed's Koran

From around the world, some of the hundreds of 5 star reviews Mohammed's Koran received in the first few months following publication.  Each review comes from someone who bought the book.  If you are skeptical of any review, a URL is provided at the end of each review, so you can verify each review.

At last, a true and accurate decoding of the Islamic cult's main text...

The establishment have lied to us since 9/11, telling us Islam is the religion of peace. This book proves the opposite to be true and does it using Islam's own texts to do it. Once the Koran is read in its correct order it all becomes apparent and the authors have done an excellent job. Islam is the biggest threat to Western culture there has ever been and this book tells us why. The Muslim mind is different to the cultured Western mind because they see Mohammed's and his writings as being perfect. Once this is realised we can see why Muslim men are violent and hate non believers, it's all in the Koran. The more devout a Muslim is and the more closely he follows the life of the prophet Mohammed, the more violent he will be.

You may not like the message but it is well researched and corroborated...

It is very well researched and each assertion corroborated. The fact is that a section of society doesn't want this subject addressed, hence low scores, which is a shame: reviews should be about the book. Without such an examination the true problem will never be addressed and after each tragedy the same noises will be made. The funny thing is that the truest criticism of the book is almost made by itself: it's not new. The croissant is a key example! This message has been said again and again for a thousand years. Great book, would recommend.

A Koran in chronological order- a must read...

Islam and the Koran cannot be understood properly without understanding its doctrine of abrogation (naskh) laid out in 2:106, 16:101 etc. This is the idea that Koran verses 'revealed' to Muhammad later in his life supersede any contradictory verses 'revealed' earlier in his life. However the Koran is not in chronological order. The verses in this book are of course the same (Pickthal translation) but the chapters are actually written in chronological order as agreed by Islamic scholars, but back to front so that the verses that aren't superseded come first. This makes the Koran far easier for the reader to understand. If you want to understand why Muslims commit the vast majority of terrorism worldwide in the name of Allah you need to go to the Koran and this one is the best for doing so.

Excellent book...

An essential clarification to a the deliberately obfuscated subject - obfuscated by politicians and apologists alike. A great help to anyone who wants to understand a straightforward topic. And one that Muslims and non-Muslims should all welcome if, as is usually claimed, the problem is not Islam but the failure to understand Islam. This is an excellent guide if you have ever felt bamboozled by such talk.