Reviews of Mohammed's Koran

From around the world, some of the hundreds of 5 star reviews Mohammed's Koran received in the first few months following publication.  Each review comes from someone who bought the book.  If you are skeptical of any review, a URL is provided at the end of each review, so you can verify each review.

What this Koran shows very clearly is that the violent verses – the legally binding verses – dominate over the peaceful verses – the abrogated verses...

Islam is a hard to argue about with others. As a white westerner, you are quickly deemed not knowledgeable enough. Have you read it in Arabic? Did you attend Quran school? Have you learned from an Imam? But I know a muslim who is nice, how about that? Many of those reasons are nonsensical. One does not have to be a part of a system to describe it. Nor does one have to be part of that system to condemn it. Reasoning from the broad (ie, islam) to the specific (ie, a muslim) is not an absolute, nor is it the other way around. So let's step away from all the afore-mentioned reasons why you are not capable of arguing about islam and let's take a deep look at the most important component of the islamic system itself; the Koran. Just that, nothing more. Nothing about its believers, or why you should not judge islam; just this one book. This book, Mohammed's Koran, contains an entire Koran. Yes, you heard correctly. The second half of the book is a Koran. There are two adjustments that have been made that make this Koran more interesting and telling than a regular unadjusted Koran. First off, the Koran is originally ordered by the number of verses (ayat) in a Sura. Whoever thought this was a good idea, must not have had the good of the reader in mind, since this makes the Koran very hard to read. So, what if we order the Suras in inverted, chronological order? This means the later verses are shown first, the earlier ones later. Secondly, Islamic law contains the notion of Abrogation. All the verses have been uttered by Allah and therefore they are all true. However, if two verses are in direct opposition, the one uttered later gains legal precedence over the earlier one. Now that we have the Koran in inverted chronological order, it is easy to see for yourself the verses which have been abrogated, or overridden. Better yet, the abrogated verses have been marked as such, by being struck through. Now, the catch. The life of Mohammed is divided in two periods; the Mecca and the Medina period. During the Mecca period, Mohammed was humble, prone to negotiating with his enemies and generally peaceful in his teachings. Most of the peaceful verses in the Koran are from this period. The second period, in Medina, is the one where he became a warlord. He won battles and gained many followers. He became authoritarian in his approach and condoned violence against his opponents. The violent verses are from this period. So what this Koran shows very clearly is that the violent verses – the legally binding verses – dominate over the peaceful verses – the abrogated verses. This is no make-believe, but can be verified against islamic legal jurisprudence which conforms what you can see for yourself with this Koran. The sword on this book cuts both ways. I think it is mandatory reading for everyone who wants to become more knowledgeable about a religion which is hugely important in our contemporary world. However, it is also a danger if muslims use this koran to deepen their own knowledge of their religion. We would all like to believe that the core of islam is peaceful, however that appears to be not the case. Is reform possible? Many claim that reform is already happening, led by the likes of Al Qaida and ISIS. It is just not in the direction we would like it to be in. So what if our (ie, kafir) gaining of knowledge is offset by more and more muslims finding the violent message in their holy book? A chilling thought.

The most valuable must read book of our times...

This book will open your eyes to the exactly problem we are facing in our community, with our government leaders and with Islam followers around the world. It is not a hate all Muslim book, it looks at their own writing and ideology they follow with Islam. I sincerely think this will be the most valuable book of our times and everyone needs to educate ourselves to what we are really facing. After last week's Barcelona terrorist attack, we all seen the horror of babies being ran over. Then I seen the propaganda news outlet showing local Islamic women and children marching saying they are a religion of peace. Islam is not a religion of Peace, all you have to do is read the Mohammed Koran for yourself to see what they worship is a religion of war. And currently they are spreading throughout all of Europe with one purpose and it is not to assimilate into our communities.

A no-nonsense and well documented book...

I bought (and read) this book because it appealed to me, as a no-nonsense and well documented book about the generally obscure and confusing task of trying to make sense of this "holy" book. I am a lifelong student of comparative religion and spirituality. I have read the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, the Dhammapada, Bhagavad Gita, etc. I have studied Egyptian Book of the Dead, Kaballah, Greek, Roman, Norse and Summerian mythology. But I have never felt compelled to delve into the Koran. This book seemed a solid way to wade into those waters. Their concrete approach of "reverse ordering" this normally jumbled book is (in hindsight) essential to it's understanding. Otherwise, ANY Westerner would likely quickly get lost in the weeds of "abrogation". This is a term previously unknown to me, but central to understanding the edicts of Mohammed. Due to the COPIOUS contradictions over his life's writings, it was determined by muslim scholars and others that the later verses CANCELLED OUT any contradictory verses which proceeded it! Once the Koran's verses are thus ordered, with the last being the first, the priorities of islam are laid bare! It is CLEARLY a religion of violence and intolerance, from its very inception. Jihad, is the central theme: violent, aggressive and incessant conversion of "non-believers" (Kuffir) into believers. Failure to convert them leaves the only other option....KILL them! Real Islam, beyond all the media spin and the "BIG LIE" is less a religion and more of a Kamikaze Cult. In this cult, muslims who wage Jihad against the unbelieving Kuffir are elevated to the highest honors among the culture (martyrs) and given a VIP seat with Allah in the afterlife. This truth has been know to Western scholars for centuries, but recently buried since 911 (2001). The book AMPLY documents the development of this "Big Lie". In addition, a FRIGHTENING number of "non-radical" muslims (who simply ascribe to "Sharia Law") have been show (by polls) to state that they would not turn in a known terrorist among them!!! I am a follower and believer in the teachings of both Buddha and Jesus. This book has clearly helped me see the violent and unacceptable core beliefs of the muslim "path" and how antithetical they are to any truly spiritual person. America needs to wake up. If we don't take prudent strides to resist this Islamic "striving" or Jihad, we will quickly follow down the same dark rabbit hole that has engulfed Europe. Europe is the "canary in the coal mine" and has already fallen off its perch!

Insightful. Absolutely fantastic...

An informative book exposing the truths of Islam and the lies from the elite. Any true red blooded patriot from the West must read this book. The Hero, Tommy Robinson and co-author Peter Mcloughlin are true patriots for writing this. It contextualize the Quran and helps with understanding what is going on our society today.

Don't think that you can argue that it wasn't well researched...

Feel free to check multiple sources for this book. DON'T JUST TAKE WHAT IS WRITTEN AS FACT! Read the book with your computer open, or tablet on hand to verify what is written. Then you will see that it will well sourced and doesn't twist, though it is hard to decipher. The Qu'ran is, as they note, written in a way to confuse. You will have a HELL of a lot of homework with this one. If things are confusing, get a group together to decipher and see if you all come to the same conclusion. If you don't, that is OK, but I don't think that you can argue that it wasn't well researched and understood by Peter and Tommy

Don't believe anything until you read this book! Knowledge is strength just read...

This book is very organized and the timeline of Mohammad's insertions to Islam - AMAZING! I can't believe so many people worship his word of terrorism, not to mention the enslavement of the people that didnt have their throats cut. Reading the references that were added compared to the original writings blew me away. Read 47:4 (page 143) just read this page carefully! You will not believe his evilness & hatred towards non-believers WOW!