Reviews of Mohammed's Koran

From around the world, some of the hundreds of 5 star reviews Mohammed's Koran received in the first few months following publication.  Each review comes from someone who bought the book.  If you are skeptical of any review, a URL is provided at the end of each review, so you can verify each review.

Finished it in one very lengthy sitting...

I was quite surprised on how informative it was and how it was laid out. I did need my serious reading glasses, for the scripture uses small font. I did enjoy the bold portions laying out problematic verses. I really enjoyed the intro. Very eye opening.

Informative and disturbing. Islam, and the deceit of Western society.

I read a koran several years ago (to gain more insight into what motivates radicals) as well as other texts on the subject of islam. I quickly learned that simply following the basic koran is more than enough to make anyone a "radical". I purchased this book to see what approach/angle was being used here and found it quite interesting. The first 100 pages (the "introduction" so to speak) has enough information and observations to make any reasonable person ask why professional politicians, the mainstream media, and academia are - with malice of forethought - withholding the truth about islam, and it's goals, from the general public. While no theories are offered by the authors, the historical and academic background provided is more than enough to make any reasonable person ask "What's going on?". For those who have already read a koran, the first 100 pages are worth the price of this book as it puts various precepts in the koran into easily-comprehended points for later dissemination and discussion. For anyone who hasn't read a koran, you're getting a great deal of useful information. Don't take my word for it. Just read it.

Succinctly and convincingly exposes The Grand Lie: that Islam is a religion of peace...

Mohammed's Koran is a book that succinctly and convincingly exposes The Grand Lie: that Islam is a religion of peace. For centuries Western scholars have known and experienced that Islam is a religion of war. For over a thousand years, Mohammed and his followers have spread their ideology via violent jihad, killing countless millions and subjugated millions more. This book will educate you on the history of Islam as recorded by the best Islamic scholars and attested to by the likes of Jefferson and Churchill, while giving you the tools you need to read and understand the Koran for yourself. If you want a Koran for your library, this is the one you should buy.

Read this book from the point of view of understanding how the Muslims that commit violence justify their actions...

Update: After doing research about the concept of abrogation, it seems that there is much disagreement about how many verses are abrogated. Definitely read this book from the point of view of understanding how the muslims that commit violence justify their actions, but don't take this as the complete interpretation that there are no others. I'm not changing my stars, but please take this book as one point of view. Original: Thank you Tommy for writing this book. I have been interested in understanding islam for a while given it's history and current geo-politics. It's difficult given the media spin, what out-of-touch imams say, apologists, terrorists, as well as the Quran itself says. I am outraged that this information about islam was well known in the previous century with tons of research and literature done, but since 9/11 has been all but covered up. I have tried listening to audio books of the quran, but none were in chronological order, so they made little sense. Thank you for putting this straight. I hope you can also make a book about the Hadiths and Sira!

Wow, this book is PHENOMENAL!

Thank God that we have authors who provide us an accurate history of Islam as it really is: A religion of war. Don't think that's accurate? Buy this book, and see what you think after that. Don't worry about the author's words however, but look at the numerous sources and both historical and contemporary examples that those who perform violence in the name of Islam are following Mohammed's commands, which are very clearly provided in chronological order. Please don't label this review as hateful towards Muslims, I don't hate anyone. I am simply supporting the premise that Islam is a violent religion as supported by both the violent acts committed in it's name (how often is "Allu Akbar" shouted prior to a violent attack, a simple internet search will provide the answer) and by it's holy text, the Koran. We need to take this into consideration with immigration policy and other legislation designed to protect citizens. Back to the book: VERY well supported and full of evidence, needs to be read by all. The poor author has had a terrible time with being attacked by Muslims and jailed for speech, and accurate speech at that. Support free speech and if you disagree with his conclusions, that's fine, but be warned: He builds a very strong case based on a very firm premise supported by hundreds of sources and specific details, much of it from the Koran itself.